best ivf doctors in Hyderabad

 the process by which fertility is assessed, both generally and also to find the fertile window. General health affects fertility, and STI testing is an important related field.

Fertility clinics are staffed with trained personnel including reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, sonographers, and nurses. Additional specialists from acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and nutrition may also be part of the team.

Fertility clinics look to both males and females for diagnosis of fertility problems. Diagnosis has shown that fertility problems arise 35% of the time from males, 35% from female, 20% from combined issues, and 10% from unexplained causes. For the male, semen collection is a standard diagnostic test to ascertain problems with the semen quality, while females may undergo a number of tests including an ovulation analysis, x-ray of fallopian tubes and uterus, and laparoscopy. They may also perform ultrasounds by a sonographer and advanced pregnancy tests.
Read  more  : best ivf doctors in Hyderabad


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